• 100% of Payment Apply to Purchase
  • Repair and Replacement coverage
  • Return Instrument at any time

Secured Rental Form -- Instant Finance

Billing Information

Payment Information

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Terms & Conditions

Sellers sells and unersigned Buyers purchased, subject to the terms and conditions as set forth hereof, the Merchandise described below, to be kept at above address. Seller hereby acquires a purchase money security interest in the Merchandise sold hereunder in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code to secure the buyer's payment of the Total f Payments and other charges if applicable, pursuant to the agreement.

Where does it come from?

  1. Security: Seller will have a security interest in the purchased goods, and in all accessions thereto and proceeds therefrom.
  2. Late Charge: Buyer agrees to pay $3.00 delinquency charge on each installment in default for ten days or more.
  3. Prepayment: Buyer may be entitled to a rebate of unearned finance charge on prepayment in full.
  4. Returned Check Penalty: Buyer agrees to pay the seller $25.00 for each insufficient funds check.
  5. Return Policy: Instrument may be returned ( if in reasonable condition) and the remaining payments canceled.
  6. Pickup Policy: If instrument is turned in to the school, you must contact ASBS to arrange pickup

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